The Only Way Out is Through
OK where are all the people who, when triggered go right into anger mode? You are my people, unfortunately we share the inability to keep our lids closed when a trigger cuts deep into a trauma...
Life changes fast. Life changes in an instant.
You can sit down to dinner and life as you know it changes"
Joan Didion
This week I have been overly triggered. It started when I was working outside...
"Who you were, who you are and who you will be are three different people"
Yesterday was cleaning closet day at Casa Anastasia with the goal of clearing out anything that was no longer of...
"Trauma comes back as a Reaction not a memory"
Bessel van der Kolk
A childhood filled with never knowing when the temperature was going to turn to rage - 200 blocks
Raised in a home lacking...
"Stay with me,
Let's just breathe
Practiced on my sins, never gonna let you win, uh-huh
Under everything, just another human being, uh-huh
I don't want to hurt
There's so much in this world to make...
"Fear is a mile wide and an inch deep"
Edgar Nye
I grew up on the North side of Manning as the youngest of 4 girls. Our home, like many others in the 70's was dysfunctional, with lots of...