The Only Way Out is Through
"Mother, teacher, writer, betrayer, jokester, bitch, genuine, loudmouth, boat rocker, lover, analyst, bean counter, victim, bully, daughter, niece, grand daughter, friend, enemy, confidant,...
"The greatest warrior is the one who brings peace"
Cadmus Delorme
My journey creating the Whole and Capable Coaching website has lead me, yet again, down a rabbit hole. This week I was sharpening...
"Parenting in short, is a dance of the generations. Whatever affected one generation but has not fully resolved will be passed on to the next."
Gabor Mate
Good morning from my wee office in...
I am currently sitting in my office overlooking the lake and sipping a calming tea. The weather is blistering cold and there are no vehicles in sight. The only sound is the crisp wind off of the...
Recently I spent the holidays with my children in an vacation rental on the West Coast. It was a restful time spent playing games, travelling to remote places and creating memories. It did,...
"My tendency to want to hide away feels easier, and
The only way out is through